Welcome to happy bark days!
happy bark days is a lifestyle blog for people who love their pets.
happy bark days started out as a side gig making party supplies for people who loved their dogs. But it became so much more…
Hi! I’m Gina and I started my little business while living in Chicago. Making party supplies was a lot of fun and a great hobby. Around the same time, I took a sewing class and I loved it. The happy bark day bow was born. I’m still trying to figure out the production process, and when I do, I’ll tell you all about it here. You heard it first.
And then we left Chicago. We packed up our life and moved to Washington, D.C. and happy bark days, a seedling, started to grow… and now you’re reading happy bark days, the blog!
What is “happy bark days“?
happy bark days is a play on words of happy birthday! It’s fun, a little silly, but that’s what we love about it.
Find us on social media. Come say hi!
#happybarkdays #happydaysahead
xx gina