A few days ago, Dashi celebrated her three month anniversary. It was a smile-filled day.

How To Set Up A Mini Party For Your Dog
Today was all about sharing smiles and making Dashi’s three month anniversary her best day yet. But to make it as stress-free for us. A win-win. We want to make every day special, without the mess or headache. So, we’re here to help and give you ideas.
Dashi celebrated with her favorite treat, peanut butter, and her ever first balloons. We choose pink from the Studio Pep. Her blanket is from IKEA. Her banner is from happy bark days. You can shop it on our Etsy page, or through this link. The silver star balloons are from the dollar store.
We made the set up super simple. We laid down a blanket to keep the mess level down. We threw the blanket into the wash right after. Simple.
The balloons took the most time, but it created the atmosphere so it was well worth it. We used a balloon machine which cut the time of blow up in half. It’s priced under $20, so it was a steal for the amount of time it saved us.
To get Dashi to actually sit down for a short and sweet photoshoot was a small challenge, but I think we handled it well. Some peanut butter on her lick mat was the golden ticket.
The balloons were supposed to be arranged onto the wall with simple masking tape, but it didn’t stick! (masking tape on balloons is the absolute WORST. Gum-drop stickers are the way to go. I attached a photo of it below for you) So the balloons became floor decorations. Anyway, the effect was cute and the pop of color was fun!
We hung the silver stars a little too high for photos, but the over all effect was terrific. Note to self, hang the balloons lower to actually get them into the photos.
The crowning jewel is our first ever banner that we made, happy bark days. You can buy it on our Etsy page.

happy bark days is about making our dogs lives the best one yet. Banner comes in two colors, silver and gold.
I think Dashi may be more of a serious samoyed, with her model-like looks and serious eye contact. Maybe when she gets older, we’ll see more of the signature “Sammy Smile”. We shall see.
we hoped we helped make you smile today!
thanks for reading.